Posted in Paper Chase

Steven Pressfield – The War of Art

In The War of Art, Steven Pressfield describes the ways in which resistance keeps us from achieving our goals. Resistance comes in many forms such as procrastination, fear, and self doubt. While the book’s main focus is on writing, the same concept can be applied to self-improvement, house projects, office work, painting, etc.   Overcoming this resistance and putting in the work is the difference between an amateur and a pro.

Like his other non-fiction books, The War of Art is an easy to read book with chapters being just 1-2 pages long.  It’s easily relatable as Pressfield touches on many topics that stop the average person from doing what they set out to do and ways to overcome this.  There is a reason this book keeps getting recommended by so many people/websites – it’s an inspiring bit of quick reading to help refocus on the task at hand whether it’s writing, painting, learning, or working.


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